Clarity + Confidence by Wellness Lately

Master Your Mindset and Create an Empowered Life


Are you feeling stagnant in your life, like you’re constantly spinning your wheels and waiting for things to start happening for you?

Do you feel like everyone else around you has things figured out … like they’ve cracked the happiness code, while you lag behind?

Perhaps you have big, shiny goals, and you can clearly articulate your dreams, but don’t feel confident enough to actually go after them?

And maybe...

  • You keep thinking the perfect body/relationship/job/home is right around the corner, and you’re putting your life on hold until that falls into place
  • You’re constantly comparing yourself to other, cooler/happier/prettier people on social media
  • You’ve lost the zest for life you once had when you were younger
  • You feel disappointed in yourself, like you’re not living to your full potential
  • You have a few goals and want to make some changes, but something is holding you back from any real progress
  • You’re waiting for everything to click into place, so you can start living your dream life (but you’ve been waiting for an awfully long time now)
  • You’re really feckin' tired, and busy, like you’re constantly on a hamster wheel with no end in sight
  • The critical, negative self-talk looping in your head never shuts up
  • You never feel like you’re doing or being ‘enough’

Sound familiar?

Yeah. It did for us too. We were pinballing our way around chaotic, modern day lives, yet feeling empty and unfulfilled inside.

If you’re in that rut right now, we know exactly how you feel. And we’ve got some great news! There’s a way out of this funk.

And it doesn’t require changing how you look, or spending money you don’t have, or basically waiting for a miracle to fall into your lap and transform your life.

Seriously. There’s a better way.

A way that doesn’t:

  • Require going on yet another diet to lose weight before you step into the life you want
  • Add yet another thing to your ever-growing to-do list
  • Define your worth by “success” in your career, relationships or any other traditional mark of achievement
  • Feel like you have to push a boulder up a hill in order to get the results you want

Your life is happening right now. At this moment in time, in this body, and you don’t have to wait another second before deciding to become a happier, more confident version of yourself.


We’ve all been taught this backwards formula: that we need to be successful (and thin and rich) before we deserve to be happy.

But it’s simply not working. Losing 10 pounds, or landing a $10k raise or any other external “accomplishment” isn’t going to make you happier, despite what we’re promised.

The real game-changer lies in a different approach. It’s in mastering your own mindset.

It’s about discovering what’s actually going to make you happy. Not what your parents, society, or some expert claims will make you happy.

Leveling up your life requires getting mega clarity around what you want things to look like, deciding who you want to be, and confidently working toward that vision.

And that’s where we come in. We’re gonna help you do just that.

We know you just want to feel confident in your body and your life, without having to try so damn hard.

But here’s the challenge: you’ve never actually taken the time to think about what you truly want (beyond maybe a smaller waist and a bigger wallet). So you spend a lot of time checking things off your life size to-do list: The body. The job. The relationship. The house. The kids. The laundry.

And you wonder why you still aren’t feeling jazzed about your life.

The big issue is that you (like most women) think you need to ‘fix’ yourself and mold yourself into a perfectly polished package, before you get to feel happier.

But that’s a bunch of bullshit. And waiting until you get your proverbial shit together, before you go after what you want in life? That doesn’t work either.

You end up waiting until you look the part and deserve the things you want and in the meantime your life drifts on by and you miss out on enjoying all the meaningful moments.

What if instead of waiting for life to happen, you decided to make life happen?

You have the ability to step into the driver’s seat, take control and create a really groovy one.

But you gotta say yes.

Picture this:

  • You wake up every day feeling energized and ready to jump into your morning routine to set intentions and instantly boost your happiness
  • You move through the day with ease and confidence: feeling certain about who you are, interacting with kindness and grace, and inspiring others around you
  • Your work feels fun, something you’re actually passionate about and feel lucky to get paid for doing
  • You have a wonderful partner, and feel a deep sense of joy and gratitude when you think about your life together
  • You confidently make decisions by tapping into your intuition, knowing they come from a place of love and abundance, not fear and scarcity
  • You have time to actually read all the personal development books on your nightstand and make time for learning new things every week
  • You regularly devote time to a creative hobby or side hustle that lights you up
  • You feel fully present in your life, and instead of worrying about everything you need to do or what’s going to happen in the future, you focus on enjoying the moment while playing with your kids, or going on a date, or getting dinner with girlfriends
  • Life feels fun and exciting (which you know is the way it should be but you never actually believed could be a reality)

This is all possible for you when you harness the power of your mindset.


We’re Bridget Shannon and Dana Barron, Co-Founders of Wellness Lately and Holistic Health Coaches. We help women stop dieting, beating themselves up and feeling like shit.

We spent the majority of our 20s dieting to lose weight in order to be happy and healthy and have our awesome, perfect lives.

Only to find out that the equation is broken.

Not only does dieting not work, but it distracts you from more fulfilling endeavors by creating a painful preoccupation with food and your body, driving you nuts and depleting your energy and confidence.

The truth is, there’s no way to create a life that feels exciting, when you’re spending all of your time agonizing over each bite of food, measuring your worth by the scale each morning or calling yourself fat all day long.

There just isn’t.

When we stopped dieting and focused on the things that actually mattered, we got our lives and our confidence back.

We reclaimed the time and energy that dieting was stealing from us.

We upgraded our self-talk and created new positive, empowering beliefs. And we decided to focus on meaningful goals instead. In doing so, we completely rebuilt our confidence, and designed lives that feel joyful, fulfilling and fun.

Now we want the same for you. And for women everywhere.

We’re tired of the Wellness Industry’s thinly veiled version of diet culture pushing that broken equation of dieting = thin = happy. We want to create a no-bullshit conversation about wellness for women like us - who are fed up with it all.

Because you don’t need another meal plan, or to double down on what hasn’t been working for you for years (or possibly decades).

You need a new approach.

You need to unlearn all the bullshit and relearn how to actually take care of yourself. Reconnect to your inner wisdom. Bust through the limiting beliefs planted deep in your subconscious. And move the hell on with your new and improved life.

And that’s exactly what this course will teach you how to do.

Inside Clarity + Confidence you’ll learn exactly how to:

  • Stop spinning your wheels and feeling stuck
  • Embrace a new growth-oriented approach
  • Get clear on the life you really want deep down and visualize who you want to be
  • Generate the confidence necessary to work toward that vision
  • Manifest a new, better reality than your current one
  • Uncover the limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  • Get control of your negative self talk and shut down the mean inner critic
  • Shift your mindset and create empowering, new beliefs
  • Have more fun in your everyday life
  • Build routines and rituals to support your energy and overall well-being
  • Learn how to meditate to manage your thoughts and be more present
  • Tune into your intuition and allow it to guide you through life
  • Sustain everything you’ve learned and continue to use these tools for the rest of your life

This course is a DIY, self-study course designed to be accessed by anyone at any time on any schedule.

There are 18 video lessons with corresponding assignments (in PDF form) that will teach you exactly how to get clarity around what you want for yourself and your life and how to start working toward that vision. Each video and assignment is downloadable for your convenience and you’ll have lifetime access to the course materials.

Once you enroll, you’ll have instant access to the entire course, so you don’t have to wait one more minute to get going on this awesome journey.

"I've experienced SO MANY CHANGES. I noticed that I desperately needed to get in touch with myself and my feminine power. I check in with myself regularly to notice how I am really feeling and what I need where I didn't really think to pause and do that before. I've dabbled in manifestation and experienced the power it can have. I've started getting familiar with my intuition and learning that my thoughts and limiting beliefs do not define who I am or who I will become. (By the way - the last several changes I listed I never even knew could be a thing - "woo woo" wasn't never seriously on my radar before, but what a gift it has been to dabble in these things - thank you for that). I've begun to identify my personal definition of "self care" and what that means. I have suffered in the past with debilitating anxiety and have found that I am better able to manage my anxiety and stress through techniques learned in the program. I have been able to successfully use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques to identify and work through cognitive distortions that I have."

- Tracy

"The whole world should be exposed to this message. There are millions of women waiting to look a certain way, a way that our culture dictates, before they go on to do great things. They can do great things now and ditch the diet culture. This never occurred to me before and now that I have this knowledge, I feel so free. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much Bridget and Dana. You have changed my life."

- Anne

Here’s the deal, friend.

You know there’s more to life, and you wanna live it intentionally. You want to experience fulfillment, happiness, and success. You want to actually enjoy the short time we've got here in these Earth suits.

Real talk for a sec? The only thing that’s holding you back from doing so is you.

Yup. You’ve got everything you need to live with clarity and confidence, but you need a little kick in the pants. You gotta wade through those fears, and limiting beliefs, and whatever other bullshit comes up, and we’re not afraid to call you on it. Because we know that your experiencing your full potential is on the other side.

We also know it’s scary to jump into something like this for the first time and make big changes. Us humans, we like to stick to our comfort zones. It’s safe there.

But if you want to level up and start living out your dreams, you gotta do something you’ve never done before. And we’re here to take you by the hand and guide you step-by-step through this transformation.

The longer you wait, trying to figure it out on your own and the longer you stay stuck. Simple as that. You don’t need another book, or another YouTube video or another podcast. You need a step-by-step process that you can actually implement

This course is FOR YOU …

  • If you’re in a rut and you know there’s more to life but you have no idea where to go from here.
  • If you’ve read the books, gone to therapy, talked to friends, and still feel like no one really gets you or how you’re feeling right now.
  • If you want to stop feeling confused and start taking action..
  • And if you never want to start another fucking diet or fitness plan to try to fix your life ever again.
  • If you want more than anything to take control of your life and stop watching it pass you by.

This course is NOT FOR YOU…

  • If you’re looking for a quick fix or prescriptive wellness program to change your life overnight
  • If you think we’re a couple of psycho babbling witches spewing about mindset and how powerful it can be.
  • If you’re not ready to get a lil’ uncomfortable and dig deep on those limiting beliefs.
  • If you’re not ready to do the work to change your life.

"I now have the courage to push myself to take the leap and do things I was holding back on doing. I also have become so much more reflective in daily life."

- Wendy

Frequently Asked Questions

When does this course start?
It’s a self-paced, online course so you can start as soon as you like. You’ll have instant access to the entire course upon enrolling.
How much time will this require?
Depends. Depends. There are about 2 hours of video lessons, most with corresponding assignments that will take some time. If you’re huge nerds like us, you may binge the whole thing in a weekend. Or perhaps you’d like to take your time and work through it gradually. The more time and effort you put in, the more you’ll get out of it and the faster you’ll see results in your mindset and your life. It’s not an overnight shift, the process takes some time but it’s so worth it. Remember that it’s all self-paced though, and you have access to the materials forever.
Do you have a refund policy?
We do. You have 30 days from enrollment to request a refund if the course doesn’t meet your expectations, no questions asked.
Are there any recommended or required precursors to the course?
Nope. This course is designed to introduce you to and walk you through everything you need to know to uplevel your mindset, create clarity and build confidence. No prior knowledge necessary.
Is this a replacement for therapy?
No, we are not licensed therapists and we are solely speaking from personal experience, research and knowledge we have learned and applied. That said, we believe there is a ton of value in mindset work, and it can be an excellent supplement to therapy or something to try if traditional talk therapy hasn’t helped you in the past. We’re big fans of therapy and would never recommend completely replacing it.

Get started now!


Harnessing the power of mindset transformed both of our lives.

We no longer diet, obsess about fixing our bodies or beat ourselves up for not being enough.

And what we want is for women everywhere to feel the freedom and confidence that comes with making this shift.

With shedding the perfection mentality, upgrading your self talk, clarifying your desires, and feeling in control of your life again.

Because the world desperately needs more confident, empowered women living joyful lives.

If you’ve been struggling to get out of this painful cycle of feeling stagnant, we hope you’ll dive in today and take the first step toward the freedom and confidence that’s waiting for you.

Whatever you decide to do though, we’re rooting for you.

And we’re in your corner,

Bridget + Dana

Your Instructor

Bridget Shannon + Dana Barron
Bridget Shannon + Dana Barron

Bridget Shannon and Dana Barron are the Co-Founders of Wisebodi. As Certified Intuitive Eating and Health Coaches, they help women stop feeling out of control around food.Through their coaching programs, writing, events and community they teach women all over the world how to rewire their “diet brains” and feel normal and at peace around brownies and potato chips.